Nov. 8, 1973

Billy and Hal have started calling Robert my “N*****” friend. That hurts. Mom told me that it’s really bad to call someone a n*****. If Robert’s around they won’t even talk to me. He’s actually really nice, except when someone calls him Bob or Bobby. He hates that. “My name is Robert!” he shouts. Nobody... Continue Reading →

Oct 30, 1973

Sandy wouldn’t talk to me today. We had a test project in Science class, and she accidentally knocked over the solution we were analyzing. It burst into a large ball of flame before I blew it out. She ran out of the room in tears, and Mr Tanner had to run after her. She’s such a girl. We got a D on the test, since all we could say about the solution was that it was flammable.

Oct 29, 1973

Dear Diary, The masks came today. Billy arranged for a bunch of us to go out on Halloween as zombies, complete with life-like (or death-like) rubber masks. A few of us wore them at Gym class as a prank. Mr Milner wasn’t pleased and made us wear them the whole time. Flag football isn’t easy... Continue Reading →

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